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Kansas repossession laws Form: What You Should Know

B) Is a transferee of such a new motor vehicle. Lends money, whether in return for funds or other items or value, and any interest thereon to a person who takes such an agreement after the person has knowledge of the facts in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C). (D) Fails to take reasonable steps to recover for any consumer credit transaction made after the date of the consumer credit transaction, including taking any action to recover from the consumer, either by contract or otherwise, any amount actually paid or promised, or any interest thereon. act 16, ch. 2, §2 (f). Kansas Repo Laws — No More Pawned Cars According to Law Dog.com, a pawn shop can auction a used car, but the lender has to arrange the auction personally.  State of Kansas Bill # 2179 A pawn shop may not take away possession of a motor vehicle from a buyer without the prior written consent of the seller. Kansas Repo Laws — No Sale After Repossession According to Law Dog.com, repossessed cars that have been auctioned out must be sold at a designated auction without the consent of the lessee. The auction will be conducted at and by the auction house. If the auction house has not determined that the car will fit their inventory, the auction will be delayed for a minimum of 72 hours. This is because the state repossession laws require the auction house to inform the buyer that it has been notified of the repossession and the time and place of the auction.

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