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Can a repo man move another car to get to yours Form: What You Should Know

It could even be prosecuted by the county, in which you live, if it took place. It would require evidence of a forcible entry or forcible act. If your home isn't far enough away, a repo man could probably move you out by making the effort to find your automobile. A repossession company has the ability to call up local police agencies to get the ball rolling to do the deed. Theft or Physical Harm: Repo Man Can't Hit You — Quora Jan 27, 2025 — Yes, a repo guy can hit you in the middle of the street. Can repossessing car from owner be a robbery if no evidence of criminal force is shown? — Yahoo Answers Yes — If you don't have money for the vehicle they might take it. Do you have to sign release forms to have your car repossessed? — Quora Yes. The repo company that repossess your car must take the form that the paperwork says. How do I know if my vehicle is repossessed in New York? — New York State Repossession Website You might be surprised that you may not ever find out. It sounds like a very simple situation until you realize there is no law that spells this out. The only way to keep your car after a repo company gets it is to take your car to a local attorney, go to court, and fight the repo at the hearing. At the hearing you can make a public declaration that you own the car. You would have to be able to pay the bond paid for the car to keep the repossession company from taking your car. You can check up on your car repossessed. Furthermore, you can call or go online. Furthermore, you have two choices here. One is to fight as long as you don't have the money. You could do the same as if the car were stolen by claiming you gave it to your landlord on lease. But this would involve a lot of paperwork and fees. You might try buying a used car. You can also keep on going through court, the repo company, their repossession agent, and the court clerk to try and get your car recovered. Furthermore, you could even go to the repo company in person, or write a letter.  If one of these methods doesn't work, one might simply choose to leave it as is. If you have to pay the bond back, you might as well just drive away.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Can a repo man move another car to get to yours

Instructions and Help about Can a repo man move another car to get to yours

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